From Tom Leveen, the author of SICK and the Bram Stoker Nominated novel HELLWORLD. When the world suddenly goes utterly insane, a failed soldier must protect his children and another random survivor before the madness overtakes them all.
Ben quit the military before he really even got started, and has regretted it his entire life. He makes up for it by doing all the civilian-level training he can while working as a librarian and caring for his wife and two kids. On a normal morning over breakfast, his wife commits an inexplicable, shocking act of violence, and Ben quickly discovers this madness is occurring all over town–and maybe the world. He, his little daughter, and a teenage girl he rescues from her own bloodthirsty family seem to be just a few of those unaffected by the insanity — for now. In an attempt to find refuge, Ben’s ragtag group must sneak and fight their way past thousands of infected citizens who, upon seeing prey, give full-tilt chase…and will not stop.
A breathless, relentless spin on the zombie survival novel, CHASERS raises questions on what we’ll do to survive and how far we’re willing to go to protect our family.
Numbered eBooks: 400
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eBook Numbers 0 - 2
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Serie : Autor vivo 2.0
First Publication Date : 2024
Autor : Tom Leveen
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 49 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 42 ADA, for wallet holding Sick
Límite de compra: 5
Cardano Policy ID : 2c272c344dff657e0d05bd1b85e1cfdbf0fbbd3771ecf589445f2975
Tom Leveen is the author of nine novels with imprints of Random House, Simon & Schuster, Abrams, and more. He has also teamed up with Todd McFarlane writing Spawn, the comic book series, and released four independent books: A young adult novel, a how-to guide for writers on the subject of dialogue, a book on using movies to improve your fiction writing, and a horror novella based on real events.
Currently a library assistant in charge of teen programming with Phoenix Public Library, Tom has… Seguir leyendo
Monstruos y caos, arañas y deslizamientos, magia y lo macabro... todo está aquí para usted justo a tiempo para Halloween, desde comidas y aperitivos hasta bocados rápidos (pero sangrientos) para saciar su sed de lo terrorífico, lo monstruoso y, a veces... ¡lo divertido!
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El instituto está lleno de monstruos. Puede que el instituto de Brian esté rodeado por una alta verja de hierro, pero eso no impide que él y sus amigos falten a clase. Cuando regresan para asistir a una clase de puesta en escena (¡fácil sobresaliente!), se encuentran con que el instituto y la ciudad circundante están presos de una plaga que transforma a las víctimas en monstruos necróticos que buscan médula ósea viva de la que alimentarse. Con la escuela sumida en el caos, la única posibilidad de supervivencia de Brian es permanecer atrincherado en el departamento de artes escénicas. Su corazón no... Seguir leyendo
This unique book, available only as an NFT through, is no half-baked project. It is loaded with cheese and ready to sizzle. Starting from a couple of random comments about “taters” the concept has grown root. In the pages of this book you will not find the boring, regular stories, like “Silence of the Yams,” but true works of Tuber Terror. But be careful, there are a lot of EYES watching, and it’s possible these words will drive you starch raving mad. This is certain to be THE … Seguir leyendo