Ana de las Tejas Verdes

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    En Ana de las Tejas Verdes, Lucy Maud Montgomery introduces readers to the enchanting world of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and spirited orphan whose fiery red hair and vibrant personality make her unforgettable. When the Cuthberts, a pair of siblings living on a farm in Avonlea, mistakenly receive Anne instead of the boy they intended to adopt, their lives change in unexpected ways. Anne’s arrival brings chaos and charm to their home, and her journey to find belonging in a new community becomes a heartwarming tale of growth and self-discovery.


    As Anne navigates the challenges of childhood, she forms deep connections with the people around her, from her beloved guardian Marilla to her kind-hearted friend Matthew. Her misadventures, such as her dramatic escapades at school and her intense rivalry with Gilbert Blythe, showcase her feisty spirit and resilience. Throughout the story, Montgomery paints a vivid picture of Prince Edward Island’s breathtaking landscape, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the beauty that shapes Anne’s dreams and aspirations. The bonds of friendship and family that develop in Avonlea highlight the importance of love and acceptance, making Anne’s story both relatable and timeless.

    As Anne matures, she faces the trials of adolescence and learns valuable lessons about responsibility, empathy, and the significance of her dreams. Her evolution from a headstrong child to a thoughtful young woman resonates deeply with readers of all ages. Montgomery’s masterful storytelling and rich character development ensure that Ana de las Tejas Verdes remains a cherished classic, celebrating the power of imagination and the enduring connections that define our lives.

    Numbered eBooks: 187

    Number of Unique Covers: 83

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 44

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    The Lake of Shining Waters

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    Pages of Imagination

    6 diseños únicos
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    eBook Números 0 - 5
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    Editor :

    Serie : Miércoles de Autoras

    First Publication Date : 1908

    Autor : Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Word Count : 48,000

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Información del autor

    Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942) captivated readers with her vivid storytelling and memorable characters. She wrote Anne of Green Gables in 1908, introducing the world to Anne Shirley, a spirited orphan with boundless imagination. Montgomery drew inspiration from her upbringing in Prince Edward Island, and her ability to depict the beauty of rural life resonated with readers. She used her experiences and the landscapes around her to create rich, detailed narratives that showcased both the chal… Seguir leyendo
