
When Wisdom Arrives Audiobook

From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom

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If thoughts and feelings were truth, they would be called facts. In the pages of this fable and companion memoir, we learn about truth and the simple way we can transcend the lie of unworthiness. Imagined unworthiness shows up as a tyranny of thoughts and feelings that cause psychological suffering.


Eleven-year-old Gem struggles with looping thoughts and feelings of self-hate because of her body weight. She believes she is unworthy of love. A wise woman comes into young Gem’s life and demonstrates that her looping, hurtful, repetitive thoughts are untrue. When Gem moves her attention away from her habitual looping patterns, she finds her true ‘I,’ a deeper part of herself that is free. The true ‘I’ is not tied to thoughts and feelings, or the past or future. It is a presence that is available in each person.

Rosalyn Rourke has been all three characters in the fable and all three in the memoir companion: the judgmental mother, the hurt daughter and the wise woman. Even with a successful, decades-long psychotherapy practice and credentials as an eating disorder expert and trauma specialist, Rosalyn struggled with worry and judgment about her daughter, Melissa’s, weight. The same protocol Gem discovers in the fable helped Rosalyn transcend compulsive worry and judgment about Melissa’s weight and later helped her transmute grief after Melissa’s unexpected death. When Wisdom Arrives in our lives, we discover how imagined unworthiness can transform into the knowledge of what we are in truth.

Numbered Audiobooks: 300

Número de cubiertas únicas: 1

Número de cubiertas 1:1 0

When Wisdom Arrives

1 Diseños únicos
x 300 Numbered Audiobooks
= 300 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 0 - 299
(100,00% de Suministro)


Editor : John Marshall Media

First Publication Date : 2023

Autor : Rosalyn Rourke, MSW

Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

Cardano Retail Price : 17 ADA

Cardano Policy ID : 1e82c59dd784b87a27f76accae4798db271cbbc8a265e41dc72ba6ff

Información del autor

Rosalyn Rourke, MSW

Rosalyn Rourke, best selling author with my first book “When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom."
After 30 years as an MSW Psychotherapist, I now work as a Oneness Coach. I am passionate about empowering and inspiring people on their path to self-discovery and freedom.
When I made the Audible for Wisdom, it was transporting for me, because it brought the book to life in my own voice. This book is truly a legacy for me and my daughter Melissa, who passed away unexpectedly.
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