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    The Declaration of Independence, adopted on July 4, 1776, marks a pivotal moment in American history. Thomas Jefferson, tasked with drafting the document, captured the colonies’ collective resolve for freedom from British rule. The Continental Congress debated and revised Jefferson’s draft, ultimately producing a powerful proclamation that articulated the colonies’ desire for independence and their grievances against King George III.


    The Declaration asserts the inherent rights of individuals and the belief that government derives its power from the consent of the governed. The document lists specific complaints against the British monarchy, highlighting the unjust laws and tyrannical acts imposed on the American colonies. By detailing these grievances, the Declaration justified the colonies’ decision to break away and establish a government that would better protect their rights and interests.

    Upon its adoption, the Declaration of Independence galvanized the American colonies, uniting them in their struggle for liberty. It inspired both soldiers and civilians to continue their fight for freedom, ultimately leading to the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War. The Declaration not only laid the foundation for the United States’ formation but also influenced democratic movements worldwide, serving as a timeless symbol of the quest for equality and self-governance.

    Numbered eBooks: 421

    Number of Unique Covers: 105

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    Editor :

    Serie : Fundaciones de Estados Unidos

    First Publication Date : 1776

    Autores: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert R. Livingston, Roger Sherman, Thomas Jefferson

    Word Count : 1,458

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Información del autor

    Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) brought his multifaceted genius to the crafting of the Declaration of Independence. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Franklin emerged as a leading intellectual, statesman, and diplomat. He contributed his extensive experience and wisdom to the Continental Congress, where his persuasive arguments and strategic insights were invaluable. Franklin's support for independence and his ability to garner international alliances, particularly with France, significantly bolstere… Seguir leyendo

    John Adams

    John Adams (1735-1826), born in Braintree, Massachusetts, vigorously supported the push for independence. As a prominent lawyer and diplomat, Adams brought his legal acumen and persuasive skills to the Continental Congress. He tirelessly campaigned for the Declaration of Independence, recognizing its necessity for establishing a sovereign nation. Adams' dedication and leadership helped unite the colonies in their quest for freedom, making him a crucial figure in the independence movement.
    Adams… Seguir leyendo

    Robert R. Livingston

    Robert R. Livingston (1746-1813) significantly influenced the drafting of the Declaration of Independence through his role in the Continental Congress. Born in New York City, Livingston emerged as a prominent lawyer and statesman, known for his eloquence and legal expertise. Although he could not sign the Declaration due to his duties in New York, Livingston's contributions to the drafting committee were crucial. He worked alongside Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Sherman to shape the document t… Seguir leyendo

    Roger Sherman

    Roger Sherman (1721-1793) brought his pragmatic and diligent nature to the creation of the Declaration of Independence. Born in Newton, Massachusetts, Sherman became a prominent lawyer and politician in Connecticut. His deep understanding of law and governance made him a crucial contributor to the Continental Congress. Sherman’s input helped shape the Declaration's structure and language, ensuring that the colonies' demands for independence were clearly and effectively articulated.
    Beyond the… Seguir leyendo

    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) played a pivotal role in drafting the Declaration of Independence. Born in Shadwell, Virginia, he emerged as a leading figure in the American Revolution. Jefferson's eloquent writing captured the colonies' desire for freedom and articulated the principles of individual rights and self-governance. As the primary author, he meticulously crafted the document to assert the colonies' right to break free from British rule. Jefferson's intellect and vision not only shaped t… Seguir leyendo
