Air Drop - Disponible en:
jpg.storeLa edición 2024 de "Tu realidad es una construcción" se actualiza con nuevas ideas que te ayudarán a guiarte en tu cuestionamiento diario de la realidad.
“Your Reality is a Construction” is Carlos’ first independently published non-science book and the first original book written as/by an non-fungible token (NFT) fictional character, Thorpe Brown, who is part of the metaverse of The Ape Society (, an NFT community on the Cardano blockchain. The book presents a short reflection for every day of the year, intended to make people question their reality, deconstruct it, and reconstruct it, such that it serves their life purpose(s).
Numbered eBooks: 1,839
Número de cubiertas únicas: 1
Número de cubiertas 1:1 0
1 Diseños únicos
x 1,839 Numbered eBooks
= 1,839 NFT eBooks
(100,00% de Suministro)
Editor : Independently Published
Serie : Autor vivo 2.0
First Publication Date : October 12, 2022
Autor : Thorpe Brown
Word Count : 100,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Policy ID : f0e2e1e619ea784202ab90d96b6785684611fa213bb46fdcdc3ae5e1
Thorpe Brown (a non-fungible token, NFT), who is part of the world of The Ape Society, an exclusive community of builders, evangelists, and creatives on the Cardano blockchain. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram, and join his Discord to get full access to his world and roadmap.
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A poetic odyssey that navigates the mysteries of existence, from cosmic dreams to the depths of human consciousness, challenging perceptions and sparking introspection. These poems weave an array of thought-provoking verses that invite you to explore the boundless universe within and beyond.
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"Tu realidad es una construcción" es el primer libro de NFT escrito por un personaje de NFT en Cardano.
Incluye 365 reflexiones destinadas a ayudarte a cuestionar tu realidad, deconstruirla y reconstruirla, de modo que sirva a tu(s) propósito(s) vital(es).
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