The Wizard Tim

    Series : Living Author
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    Tim the lazy, overweight wizard has his dream job. As the town wizard for a halfling town named Halfass, he never has to do anything except eat, nap and do absolutely nothing. However, he soon finds out that even the best posts don’t last forever…

    The Wizard Tim tells the story of how a lazy, overweight wizard named Tim, and his strangely intimate assistant Julie, lose all they hold dear and must step outside of their comfort zones of naps and pies, to endure the most arduous and physically exhausting quest they could ever imagine.

    The Wizard Tim contains foul language, strongly suggestive themes and overtly offensive topics. Reader discretion is advised.


    Tim is the town wizard for a boring halfling community called Halfass. This is the best job a lazy, overweight wizard like Tim could ever ask for, because he never has to do anything except nap in his chairs, eat his pies, and work on his prized recipe book.

    However, when Tim receives a summonsfrom the King to investigate a farm on the outskirts of town, his worst nightmares are realized. He actually has to do some wizarding work.

    As Tim reluctantly embarks on his task, along with his devious assistant Julie, they soon find that things are even worse than they imagined. Tim returns from his task to find Halfass burned to the ground, and his cozy wizard home pillaged and charred. They even took his recipes.

    As the town wizard responsible for the safety of the town, Tim finds himself forced to embark upon the most epic, and physically exhausting quest he could ever imagine.

    Him and Julie are forced to push their bodies and minds to the limits, as they traverse dwarven strongholds, subterranean mushroom forests, kobold combat arenas, goblin riddled plains, and splendid capital cities, all to get to the bottom of the destruction of their cozy halfling village. Throughout it all, Tim constantly finds himself in unfortunate positions resulting fromhis tendency to take the path of least resistance.

    The Wizard Tim contains profanity, sexuality, violence, and a lot of really stupid jokes. This book is intended for mature audiences, reader discretion is advised.

    Numbered eBooks: 2,000

    Number of Unique Covers: 0

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 0

    Pie Slice Editions

    Unique Designs
    x Numbered eBooks
    = 0 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 1 - 36
    (0.00% of Supply)

    Gold Letter Editions

    Unique Designs
    x Numbered eBooks
    = 0 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 37 - 174
    (0.00% of Supply)

    Silver Letter Editions

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    x Numbered eBooks
    = 0 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 175 - 782
    (0.00% of Supply)

    Bronze Letter Editions

    Unique Designs
    x Numbered eBooks
    = 0 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 783 - 2000
    (0.00% of Supply)


    Series : Living Author

    First Publication Date : October 24, 2022

    Authors: Joseph Eleam, Tim Canada

    Word Count : 50,000

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Cardano Retail Price : 69 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 60 ADA, #OGBookClub

    Purchase Limit: 10

    Cardano Policy ID : c40ca49ac9fe48b86d6fd998645b5c8ac89a4e21e2cfdb9fdca3e7ac

    Author Info

    Joseph Eleam

    Joseph Eleam is part of the duo responsible for the adventures of The Wizard Tim. He is a writer of sometimes serious and sometimes nonsensical stories. Read More

    Tim Canada

    Tim the lazy overweight wizard has his dream job.  As the town wizard for a halfling town named Halfass, he never has to do anything except eat, nap, and do absolutely nothing. However, he soon finds out that even the best posts don't last forever...
    Read More
